Three months had already passed since MarioLoki's companions betrayed him.
During this period he understood that to realize his plan of world conquest he needed people he could trust blindly….. and who better than another version of himself?!
He began to build a machine capable of opening a multidimensional portal to recruit all versions of Mario from other earths and lead his new army to conquer the world.
Once the device is finally finished and activated, 3 different Marios exit from the multidimensional gap and are greeted by Mario Loki who begins to expose his plan.
During the explanation one of the 3 Marios realizes that he's surrounded by evil people.
As he's against Marioloki's purposes, he tries to escape to the portal to get back home.
To be continued in phase two!
Presale: the first 25 classified of the whitelist, will have the opportunity to be able to buy ,two days before the launch, a MarioVerse NFT to the price of 0.02 ETH
Launch of the MarioVerse NFTs collection. This collection is made up of 202 unique NFTs.The works represent the character of Mario in all its facets
Once 15% NFTs have been sold, we give an NFT to 3 random members of our discord community
Two weeks after the launch of the collection a MarioVerse themed runner game will be available
14 days after the game is released, the prizes will be awarded to top 3 in the leaderboard
Phase 2
Phase two coming soon
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